
Year-long installation (2017-18) as the centerpiece of the Iovine Young Academy’s Garage

Year-long installation (2017-18) as the centerpiece of the Iovine Young Academy’s Garage

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Meet Mike

This installation titled "Mike" is on permanent display in the Interlochen Center for the Arts’ art building's spray booth. The mysterious octopus-type figure is wearing a gas mask while spraying toxic gray clouds around him. Under the gray clouds, newspaper articles about incidents in which humans have greatly damaged the environment are layered. The figure’s tentacle-like legs are squeezing the life out of the globe it is sitting on. It is also wearing a white collared shirt. Interpret this as you will.

I made this installation with Sydney Denham to comment on the way industry is carelessly polluting and damaging the planet. I really wanted to create a large, dark, and meaningful piece.




Drawing & Painting