Frontida Records

an Electronic Health Record System for Refugees

Frontida Records is a free electronic health record (EHR) that documents and disseminates health information for refugees world-wide. “Frontida” comes from the Greek word for caring.

Currently, there are not EHRs in the Greek refugee camps, and existing systems will not work as the medical aid workers needs in the camps are different than a regular doctor’s needs.

Because there is not an effective way to document and access patient’s illnesses and medications, health providers in refugee camps struggle to provide high-quality care and problems including misdiagnosis arise.

After traveling to Refugee Camp Moria in Lesbos, Greece, we were inspired to create a free electronic health record system tailored to providers working in refugee camps and a mobile patient portal to allow refugees to carry their medical records everywhere they travel. This system is especially needed in this unprecedented time since the documentation of communicable diseases like COVID-19 could prevent epidemics in camps and save lives.

Flow chart of all the pages in the app

Flow chart of all the pages in the app

The UI/UX of the app is fully designed for both mobile and desktop and is currently in the development stage with our coding team. I will update this page with the UI soon.




Wellness Studio Design